Operative Team - The White Shirts

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Any rules questions should be asked via the FSG rules tracker: fs-g.org/fsg/rules/questions/.

FSG Board

The Board is responsible for the Formula Student Germany and its cooperations as well as for sponsoring, finances and strategy.

Tim Hannig
Board (FSG e.V. Chairman)
Rainer Kötke
Board (FSG e.V. Finance)
Volkswagen AG
Daniel Mazur
Board (GmbH Managing Director)
Frank Röske
Porsche Leipzig GmbH
Dr. Ludwig Vollrath
Board (FSG External Relations)

FSG Executive Committee

The FSG Executive Committee (EC) stands for the design of the competition and for the rules. Each member is responsible for a field, its preparation and realisation.

Philipp Bandow
EC (Digital Officer)
Simon Densborn
EC (Technical Inspection)
Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
Steffen Hemer
EC (FS-Driverless)
TU Kaiserslautern
Sebastian Hoppe
EC (Statics) & OT (Cost Event)
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Johannes Kratzel
EC (Event Support)
Robert Bosch GmbH
Catharina Schiffter
EC (Communications)
Dr. Ing.h.c. F Porsche AG
Dr. Jochen Schmidt
EC (Dynamics)
Hintsteiner Group
Dr. Sebastian Seewaldt
EC (Rules)
Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG

FSG Operative Team

The Operative Team completes the management team by bearing responsibility for preparations and smooth processes at the event and during the year.

Dr. Christian Amersbach
OT (FS-Driverless)
Sarah Battige
OT (Electrical Inspection)
TU Dresden
Aaron Baufeld
OT (Dynamics)
Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH
Konrad Bayer
OT (Event Support)
Festo Didactic SE
Christoph Beißwanger
OT (Mechanical Inspection)
Raphaela Bihr
OT (Business Plan Presentation)
MAN Truck & Bus SE
Daniel Brontsch
OT (Cost Event)
HUCON Powertrain GmbH
Matthias Brutschin
OT (Security & Event Support)
Matthäus Decker
OT (Event Support)
SKF Group, Global Railway
Barbara Decker-Schloegl
OT (Event Support)
Mathias Gebhardt
OT (Electrical Inspection)
Nicole Geier
OT (Registration & Ticket Centre)
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe
Dr. Björn Gernert
Nordsys GmbH
Hinrich Grefe
OT (Event Support)
Sven Grundner
OT (Back Office)
Tanja Hofmann
OT (Security)
Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH
Jens Kegelmann
OT (Business Plan Presentation)
Stephan Krüger
OT (Pit Marshal)
Anke Lachmann
OT (VIP Lounge & Culina)
Ballett & Bewegung
Peter Leipold
OT (Design Event)
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Ann-Catrin Leschniewski
OT (Event Control)
Fabian Liesch
OT (IT & TK)
Alpha Sigma GmbH
Joe Martin
OT (Design Event)
ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Judith Meininger
OT (Special Awards)
TE Connectivity
Stig Mejlbjerg
OT (Dynamics)
Danfoss Drives A/S
Jost Philip Pöttner
OT (Design Event)
Argo AI
Torsten Rilka
OT (Scoring)
Volkswagen AG
Yannic Schröder
OT (Timekeeping)
TU Braunschweig
Theresa Stach
OT (Communications)
DB Netz AG
Martin Stollberger
OT (Driverless Inspection)
Schneider Electric
Jennifer Stratmann
OT (Communications)
Esther Tromp
OT (Event Management)
Formula Student Germany GmbH
Jet Tuitert
OT (Mechanical Inspection)
FEV Vehicle GmbH
Lea Vaudlet
OT (Event Control)
Philipp Vaudlet
OT (Pit Marshal)
Ford Werke GmbH
Robert Weingart
OT (Design Event)
Mercedes-Benz AG