Press accreditation is open to any member of broadcast, print and internet media who can prove they work for an organization or publication. In case you are coming with more than one person (e.g. a camera crew), it is not required to register all people in the crew. In this case please register only the head of the crew. As a team member, please scroll down to the end of the page.
To get a press pass and to get into the press areas during FSG, it is necessary to register yourself as press before the event.
Follow the following the steps:
- To register, please create a user account:
- Confirm your e-mail address within 12 hours.
- Log in again and change the user group to press:
- As soon as you have received a second confirmation e-mail (within 72 hours), you are registered as press.
- You will get your ticket at the ticket office after presenting a valid press identification card.
- After you got your press pass please come directly to the press office in the FSG-Forum. Here you have to sign the exclusion of liability and you will get further information. Additionally, you will receive press vests for a deposit of 50 €, which you have to wear to freely use the press zones close to the dynamic area.
If you already have a former press account, please login and update your data. After the confirmation you will have access to the following pages to gain more information:
Press Accreditation step by step in German / Schritt für Schritt Anleitung Presseakkreditierung:
If you have further questions or problems to register, you can contact: | Press Office on Site: +49 (151) 56074760