Every year we offer a variety of Special Awards in cooperation with our partners. The goal of this awards is to evaluate engineering excellence in a…
For the 2nd year - at FSG19, Siemens Software is sponsoring the “FSG Siemens Digital Twin Engineering Excellence Award”, a 7.500 EUR award to…
New “additive thinking” and engineering skill sets are required to bring the full power of 3D printing on the road. With the BASF Best Use of 3D…
Daimler has a vision of a future with fewer traffic accidents and less stress. Our special award this year focuses on AI innovations within your…
Here at Autonomous Intelligent Driving (AID), we have set out to build a self-driving system for the Volkswagen Group and beyond. Over the past few…
For more than 20 years Kube has been developing requirement-oriented solutions for safety-critical applications in automotive, aerospace and…
Here at Autonomous Intelligent Driving (AID), we have set out to build a self-driving system for the Volkswagen Group and beyond. In working towards…
Daimler has a vision of a future with fewer traffic accidents and less stress. We are working to achieve this vision through automation,…