
FSE 2017 Engineering Design Finalists

The FSE Engineering Design Event is the battle for the best designed and build Formula Student Electric car. Before the event each team uploaded a six page engineering design report as well as the technical specification of the race car. Based on these documents our judges discussed the design solutions and implementation with the team members direct at the car. At the end of the day the scoring of 101 judges defined the finalists for this event. During the final the judges have the possibility to see each car of the finalists for a global evaluation and appoint the engineering design winner of FSE 2017. The FSE Engineering Design Finalist 2017 are:

  • 17 Karlsruhe KIT
  • 31 München TU
  • 33 Zürich ETH
  • 50 Lisboa IST
  • 85 Delft TU

FSE Engineering Design Finals will take place in the FSG Forum. The finals are not public. The maximum of team members is ten. Changes are not possible. Set up starts 30 minutes before the judging slot.