
Henkel Best Use of Adhesives Award 2013, Award Final Judging Time

Like in the past Henkel will offer again a price for the Best Use of
Adhesives. It was and for sure it will be again a competition
demonstrating the innovation power of young engineers. Technologies are
improving, new ideas are showing up and the professionalism of the teams
in turning them into reality is a guarantee for high quality solutions.

For the final discussion the following teams are nominated.

  • FSC: 41 Wien, TU (AT)
  • FSC: 57 Metz, ENIM (FR)
  • FSC: 65 Weihai, HIT (CN)
  • FSE: E86 Patras, U (GR)
  • FSE: E96 Zwickau, UAS (DE)

Please take a look in the PDF file or on the notice board at FSG Forum
for your exact judging time.