
More than 250 students made first FSG workshop a success

11 speakers from economy, science and experienced teams answered questions to organizational and technical topics at the first FSG Workshop. More than 250 students from Germany and Austria used this opportunity to discuss general aspects as well as specific solutions. They also shared information with other teams during the breaks and discussed technical solutions by the example of the race car of the TU München exhibited in the main sector.

A helping hand for starting teams, basic information for new members in existing teams, detailed information on other concepts for experienced teams and a contact and discussion forum for all students - the workshop has fulfilled its functions.

Furthermore, the workshop has clearly brought to mind that there is an increasing community of race car building universities in Germany. From 6 known teams in 2004 the number has grown to 30 teams by now. One more good reason for an event in Germany - but of course also with participating teams from all over the world.