The first version of the rules for FSG2018 is now published: <link internal-link internal link in current>FS-Rules_2018_V1.0.pdf. While overall no substantial changes have been applied, a lot of detailed work has been done to clarify and simplify the document. Oversea competition participation is possible with this document.
Please send us your feedback using the new <link internal-link internal link in current>Rules Feedback Tracker, where you can also see all feedback from other teams: <link fsg rules feedback-tracker> We will collect your feedback until Sunday, 2017-09-24 13:00 CEST, and then publish the final version of the rules document, including your feedback, on Monday, 2017-10-02.
Please note:
If you have a question regarding a rule, e.g. if a special design solution is still compliant, use the <link internal-link internal link in current>Rules Issue Tracker, which is open all year. This is to clarify your rules questions.
If you find errors or inconsistencies in the document, of you have a remark how to improve the document, use the new <link internal-link internal link in current>Rules Feedback Tracker, which is open for one week. This is to improve the document for everyone.