
Strategic Announcement - Thank you for your feedback

Dear Teams, Partners and friends of FSG,

over the course of the last few weeks we received lots of feedback from multiple parties regarding our strategic announcement. We want to thank you for honesty and opinion. Especially the petition of the 43 Teams, presented to us during the FSG Academy last Saturday, truly impressed us.

To the Teams: Just like you, Formula Student is more to us than a design competition. For us its intercultural exchange, life-long friendships and learning from each other too. It’s even more. As an organization we deeply care to build the platform for you to experience just that.

Clearly, we overwhelmed you with our vision. With your petition you made clear, that you want your voice to be heard. Therefore, we decided to talk to each of the teams that signed the petition in order to understand your arguments, concern and fears. Over the course of the next two weeks we will arrange a phone call with you.

We are looking forward to hear what you have to say. Because we want to keep FSG to be the platform for you in the future.

Best regards,

Catharina Schiffter
EC Communications