
The FSG Media Team Guide for using official FSG Pictures

Also this year the FSG Media Team worked around the clock to capture moments from the event that should not be missed. If you are wondering where and how to access the images that have been captured, follow the steps below.







Steps to access the folder:

  1. Head to: <link https:>

Acquiring required images/videos:

  1. The Media folder has been sorted into folders that are structured by year and each annual folder galleries are structured by date and event.
  2. Photos are sorted by time, which is also contained in the file name in the form: ‘yyyymmdd_hh-mm-ss_picID_photographer.jpg’.
  3. Click on a photo to enlarge it. It is possible to download photos in their original resolution. Please note the copyright requirements before using the images elsewhere.
  4. The gallery can be easily scrolled through and can be filtered using the Tags (keywords) under each photo.

Making use of Tags to find your own car:

  1. Head to: <link http: keyword _blank> And select the desired tag.
  2. Or simply edit the URL. As an example, if you are looking for car_001 at endurance at FSG2023, you can use the following URL: <link http: keyword _blank>;endurance;car_001
  3. Using this method, you can combine multiple tags to narrow down the search results. For a full list of tags, head to <link http: keyword _blank>

Copyright Requirements:
You can use these photos and videos freely for your Formula Student Germany purposes. However, you are requested to indicate the source. For photos - either "© Formula Student Germany" or short "©FSG" AND the name of the photographer (it is contained in the file name and metadata of each photo) inside or close to the photo. For videos - "© Formula Student Germany - media team" or short "©FSG - media team" as credits at the end of the video