
The winners of FSG 2014 are...

The winner of Formula Student Germany 2014 is the team with car E33 from ETH Zuerich for the Formula Student Electric (FSE) class and car 1 from Global Formula Racing from Oregon State University/Ravensburg in the combustion class (FSC).

The Sportsmanship award has gone to the team from car E76 from Freiberg.

<link internal-link internal link in current>Click here for the detailed results for FSE

<link internal-link internal link in current>Click here for the detailed results for FSC

Formula Student Germany 2014 once more was a record year. With more than 3.600 active team members, more than 5.000 visitors and close to 1.000 officials, sponsors, judges and supporters. It was the largest Formula Student event worldwide.

Thanks to all the friends and supporters of Formula Student Germany for contributing to this great event.

<link http: fsg14 hockenheim-2014>