
[UPDATE] Fixed time slots for Tech-Inspection and Tech-Inspection-Sheets online

Fixed time slots for Technical Inspection:
Based on feedback from the FSG workshop round-table discussions and the wish to have as many teams as possible at FSG we decided to introduce a fixed time schedule and slots for the technical inspection parts A-, E-, M- and D-Inspection. Every team will get a predefined slot in the same way as is known from statics.

Per inspection part the following fixed slot times are defined:

  • Accumulator-Inspection: 2.0 hours
  • Electrical-Inspection: 2.5 hours
  • Mechanical-Inspection: 1.5 hours
  • Driverless-Inspection: 0.25 hours

The slots are planned according to the registration quiz results keeping in mind possible collisions with static events. If the team does not show up at their slot or is not able to finish the inspection on time it will have to use a re-inspection slot to be able to pass technical inspection, which will be handled according to the first come first served principle. This will ensure that all teams have the possibility to pass technical inspection before the dynamic events start and ensures a fair treatment of all the teams.

Also do not forget to check the rule changes with respect to 2017, be sure to be fully prepared to this change at FSG 2018!

Please find the individual Technical Inspection- and Statics time slots for your team on your <link internal-link internal link in current>My-Account page .

Technical Inspection Sheets:
The technical inspection sheets are now available in the <link internal-link internal link in current>documents download section. Use these to prepare your car for the technical inspection in Hockenheim! Not only thoroughly check the points, also be sure that all the points to check are easily accessible and visible for the technical inspectors. This is even more important this year since the teams will have fixed time slots for the technical inspection.