Whether a change in the trend is taking place in 2017, how current traffic safety in Germany looks like, and what measures must be taken to protect all road users are topics of the 11th VDI meeting "Vehicle safety" on 28.-29. November 2017 in Berlin. The VDI awards tickets for the first 5 participants. You are allowed to participate at the competition, if you are an active FSG team member and a member of the VDI. At the conference, you will get an overview of the state of the developments in the area of vehicle safety and you will hear numerous expert talks on active and passive safety in the vehicle. So do not hesitate and join in!
The day before the congress, the VDI expert committee “Berlin Declaration on vehicle safety" meets to discuss new developments. In this statement, security experts from the VDI Society for Vehicle and Transport Technology have announced their support for the objectives of the European Transport Policy. This is a European road transport without any accident. The main topics of the expert meeting are the current situation of traffic safety in Germany, as well as "Automated driving" and "Road safety". Participation in this event is free of charge.
At the subsequent VDI congress "Vehicle safety", the focus will be on the impact of increasing automation on traffic safety. Which new concepts for the protection of passengers and other road users enable automated driving?
The main topics of the VDI "Vehicle Safety" congress in Berlin on 28.-29. November 2017 are:
- Integral security
- Trends in vehicle safety under new conditions
- Methods and processes of vehicle safety
- Insecurity of alternative vehicle concepts
- Impact of automated driving on
To complement the expert talks, participants can catch up on new products and services at the adjacent exhibition, which is held in parallel to the event, where they can get in contact with many suppliers and service providers.
Click here to win the tickets. (Link <link https: trs.vdi-online.de>trs.vdi-online.de/show.php)
Deadline for registration is November 14. The winners will be notified by email afterwards.
Your contact at VDI:
VDI Society Automotive and Traffic Systems Technology
Dipl.-Ing. Christof Kerkhoff
Phone: +49 211 6214-251
Fax: +49 211 6214-97251
E-Mail: <link>fvt@vdi.de