Team Details

Sapienza Corse

a.k.a SC DC

UniversityUniversità degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Social Media facebook twitter youtube
FSD Team Sapienza Corse Driverless
FSE Team Fast Charge

Team Description

Sapienza Corse's vision has a name: "Gajarda". She was born in 2008, when a group of young students of mechanical engineering from the University of Rome "Sapienza" decided to apply theoretical notions to real problems, such as those of a racing car: if you can choose, why not to follow your passion?

Gajarda's first come out was in 2008 for FSAE Italy, held on Fiorano racetrack. In her second year of life, a brand new Gajarda took part for the first time in two different competitions: FSAE Italy (Varano de' Melegari) and FSG (Hockenheim-ring), and for the first time she's been able to finish both endurance contests.
Again, in 2010 season a completely renewed "Gajarda" took part to FSAE Italy and FSG, though the results have been quite different from 2009. In FSG, 31 positions earned in just one year (34th on 78 participants), second Italian best Team and 13th place overall in the Skidpad event. In FSAE Italy even better: "just" 15 positions earned since 2009 (14th on 51 participants).
2011 season let us reach the 61th position in the world ranking, showing great performance in FSG (17th overall) and FSAEItaly (8th overall). The 2012 season is going to be even more exciting with three competitions scheduled: Austria, Germany and Italy!

In 2013 Gajarda made its way in FSG, FS Spain and Italy placing itself in the Design finals held in Barcelona!

2014 was an unlucky season: FSG was missed and only Varano has been attended.
Now, a completely new team is at work, and its going to attend all three FSG, FS Italy and Spain challenges!