Team Details

Squadra Corse PoliTo

a.k.a SquadraCorse

UniversityPolitecnico di Torino
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FSC Team Squadra Corse Politecnico di Torino
FSD Team Squadra Corse DRIVERLESS Politecnico di Torino

Team Description

SquadraCorse is a team founded in winter 2004 by 10 Turin Polytechnic University students who were keen on engineering and motorsport and who decided to pool their knowledge to begin working on this project. Our objective is to produce, each year, a single-seat competition car in order to take part in the Formula SAE competition. Currently, our team is made up of students from 10 different engineering courses and from 12 different nationalities. Since our birth in 2005, we have steadily but dramatically gained experience, achieving great success both in Europe and overseas, until, in 2012, we have switched from an internal combustion engine to a full electric powertrain, the first team to do so in Italy.