Team Details

WHZ Racing Team

UniversityWestsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
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FSC Team WHZ Racing Team

Team Description

"Innovation meets Tradition” - if you look at Zwickau’s automotive history you can easily find out why we picked out this slogan for our team. Zwickau is the birth place of Horch and Audi, and furthermore in the 1930s, it was the domicile of the Auto Union race cars which dominated the race tracks in Europe. Almost 70 years later our WHZ Racing Team was founded. Now in 2020, we bring our 11th full electric car to the tracks. The FP14.20e is a new development, concentrating on packaging, performance and reliability. Nowadays, our team consists of about 50 members from a variety of faculties of the UAS Zwickau. This team has worked hard and efficiently to upgrade its results for the season 2020. The FSE opens a door to a new dimension of racing - so let us all have fun and create the future together.