Akademischer Motorsportverein Zürich
a.k.a AMZ
University | ETH Zürich | |
Homepage | https://www.amzracing.ch/ | |
City | Zürich | |
Country | Switzerland | |
FSD Team | AMZ Driverless | |
FSE Team | AMZ Racing Team |
Team Description
The swiss Formula Student Team "AMZ Racing" presents in his third season the new racecar "simplon". Traditionally named after a swiss alpine pass, "simplon" is a further development of its predecessor. The prominent features are the CFRP monocoque chassis with removable rear section which comes along with an integrated CFRP crash box, a refined suspension-packaging with CFRP A-Arms, an internal development of a modular CAN-Bus system for peripheral data processing and the changeover of the four cylinder engine to E85 fuel. During the development the "AMZ Racing"-Team put the focus on further reducing the curb weight, simplifying the construction, enabling an efficient data acquisition as well as on more convenient service and maintenance possibilites. www.amzracing.ch