Team Details

High Speed Karlsruhe

a.k.a HSK

UniversityHochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft
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FSE Team High Speed Karlsruhe

Team Description

High Speed Karlsruhe has participated in the Formula Student Event since 2007. In 2021 the 45 team members built the 14th generation combustion race car, the F-115. The F-115 is equipped with new suspension kinematics, a complete new monocoque with special focus on the aerodynamics, that follows a new concept as well. Moreover it comes with a reworked cooling system, new brake system and the proven E85 fuel system. Our team is unique as we built as much as possible with our own hands. E.g. team members also program and operate CNC machines, laminate the cfk parts and assemble the electronic circuit boards on their own.