Team Details

HAWKS Racing e.V.

a.k.a HAWKS

UniversityHochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Social Media facebook youtube
FSC Team HAWKS Racing e. V.
FSD Team HAWKS Racing Driverless

Team Description

HAWKS Racing was founded in 2003 and participates in various Formula Student events since 2004.

This year we are leaving our legacy of combustion race cars behind as we look ahead with designing and building our very first high voltage electrical driven race car, the H17.

Currently, we are about 50 students from different specialisations, working on the project in interdisciplinary groups.
We are looking forward to an awesome season and the upcoming FS-Events in 2022! #69 #HAWKSRacing #69HAWKS #HAWKSgoesElectric #H17